Ink Of Life:Wrong Judge Gets You Sludge #5

A quick disclaimer, all the contents of this blog are my life observations and thoughts. Thus, I'm pointing no one in person or, I'm not criticizing anyone, it's just my point of view. Different readers may have different thoughts on some particular discussions and I completely respect that.

Hey everyone, welcome to the last blog of ink of life series. This is blog is going to very close to my life, it will have everything which consists of the major mistakes of my life. 

According to my perspective, to sustain any relation like any sort, it's very important to maintain trust. It's just like support to two people who are sharing a relation, it can be any relation friends, sisters or anything. But do people ought to keep the same. 

I have miserably failed in life to understand the true colors of a person, as in how they really are, what amount of respect and attention do they really deserve. I always misunderstood this and because of this, I was hurt several times in my whole of 17 years of life. 

I always gave a person more of my time and affection than they deserve and that in turn hurts me every time I got to know the reality, and most importantly I every time trusted them bad which in turn broke my trust several times. For a fact, breaking trust is easy but building that back is much more difficult. Like one can shatter things in minutes but building them takes years and I know this quite well now after so many same encounters. 

This really never matters to some people but the person who suffers feels the most, recovering from this is pain and plus to that other people in that person's life suffer a lot for someone else's fault. After all this, I take a lot of time to trust people and getting along with them, some stick on with me try to prove them that they are trustworthy but then there are some who gets fed up with this and leave, to be honest, it's their actual test if they leave that symbolizes they can do the same in near future but the one who sticks on truly understands you and is ready for every thick and thin. 

But even after this, there settles a fear that what if the same repeats again and trust me that fear is something beyond one's bearing capacity. People start doubting silly little things in these cases, they are scared to talk to someone unknown or someone new, this doesn't sound much of a problem but it is beyond any other problem. This is a situation is like a maze, you can never ever come out of that fear of same things repeating in life, you can somehow reduce that pain if you are really blessed with some angel-like person in your life, else you will keep on struggling in this maze to get out of this but you will fail because you can't just forget everything that easily. 

Like, everyone these days after an incident, talks about mental health and stuff, I would like to tell its not really easy to help someone with mental health issues because they seek out lots and lots of time and efforts, which is something difficult to be provided by anyone out there, so before putting up stories and other stuff like that think twice are you really ready to put in this much of efforts and affection, if not then don't just make their lives more miserable by these acts because mental problems seem less painful but they give immense pain, at least enough to disturb a person from within. 

Moreover, try not to play with someone's trust and emotions because it's obvious when something put in their trust, time, efforts, affections they expect something from you, it's fine if you can't really return back, people get to understand that even but hurting them for just fun is like the worst you can do for someone because let me tell you here, you may just do that thinking "oh fine that was just for fun ... forget that", it may not be that easy for the other one, so let's try to be more thoughtful and insightful here, because why to make someone's life miserable when we cannot make their life fun. Right? 

Okay, I want to repeat here,  I'm not pointing anyone here in person because no one in this generation can stand out as a perfect person someone fails somewhere, same is with me, I'm no exception. So what we can do is just try to be perfect.  

It's just when you see someone putting in genuine efforts and affection for you, don't just turn down that easily, just be a little engaging just for the sake of the efforts that the other person is putting in, you won't even realize that will work as ice on the wound for that person. 

Life is short, don't waste that hurting and disappointing people, better love everyone around you and respect whatever they put in for you.


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