Ink Of Life:Don't Be On Social,Be Social #4

A quick disclaimer, all the contents of this blog are my life observations and thoughts. Thus, I'm pointing no one in person or, I'm not criticizing anyone, it's just my point of view. Different readers may have different thoughts on some particular discussions and I completely respect that. 

Sorry everyone for the break in the "ink of life" series but the previous blog was much in need.

Hoping that this would be a helpful piece for everyone viewing this. Umm, I guess there exists absolutely no one now who doesn't use any social media platforms, so this is going to be the most relatable blog ever. 

Everything has its own pros and cons, so do social media have, and don't worry guys this is not going to be every second "social media: pros and cons essay" HAHA! , this will be so much more interactive and realistic, I will be putting up some deep facts which, I managed to gather after days of research and I feel like every viewer on my blog page are supposed to know all of that.

So starting off, we unknowingly spend a lot of time scrolling through the feed, and honestly, we end up wasting a lot of time of ours, and it's just a cycle unless we don't get to know how all of this works.

So, whenever you open some of our social media accounts you get to know a lot of information and then that information makes you lookup for more relatable information, even if you put your phone aside, somewhere in the back of the mind, you feel that fear of missing out (FOMO)  any information online and you again end up checking your social media and this is how the cycle works. 


Okay so now according to studies, whatever information we gathered in this whole extremely time-consuming and a lot of things consuming cycle, only 10% of that information helps us in any way and the rest is either just nowhere helpful or we forget that or in short, we can say that the time we invested over all of this only the 10% of that time is paying off and rest is just a time pass. 

Every single second that we are spending on any social media profits the company in a huge amount and in numbers it's beyond imagination, now the cycle which, I actually explained above is a planned cycle. So the social media company designs the platform or code that so perfectly, that everyone ends up churning in this cycle, even if you don't want to you will end up churning into this without even noticing and they do all this so that people spend more time on their apps and obviously so that they earn a huge profit out of that.

This was some part, moreover, people are becoming extremely emotionless after all of this. Like, for a simple example people nowadays chase their "bubble" reputation over these platforms. If something or the other happens somewhere, they won't really think about it but they would be planning what story should I put so that people feel like I know the stuff and I look cool putting up stories or critiques.  I never say that putting your own ideas is not right but when you don't process that in your own mind and you just think about I need to follow the trend, that is so wrong. 

For example, suddenly there were days somewhere in June when people were speaking about depression and mental health over social media, it's good that you talk about things but honestly, this was like a trend, everyone was putting up stories "don't be alone talk to us" sort of but in reality, the life they did nothing, then what's the point of putting up these kinds of things when you can't implement it in your own life. I don't understand how can someone's mental health be a trend, and these platforms have made everything a trend.

After so much bashing of social media and internet world, it doesn't always have a bad side, it always depends on the user.

Now let's start with some points proving how social media could be a better place for youth to learn and grow,

Social media platforms have changed the world into a global village if you need any sort of help anytime you will find it for sure. The world is getting more interactive and informative. We get to know about a lot of things in the comfort of our own homes. Social media enlightened many revolutions worldwide and had brought major changes. It had made it possible to look at different thoughts and opinions on any topic that is going around us. Over and beyond everything, it's now an industry that has the highest yearly turnover among any other field and provides plenty of job opportunities to people. 

Social media is a great thing to explore but it makes us get trapped in its web, I do love social media but addiction is the most harmful thing it's just the same as if, I like eating sweets and if I eat all day I may suffer from diabetes. Everything in limit is always good but overuse just makes you trapped unknowingly. 

Social media kills socialization!



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