Ink Of Life:Regret It But Don't Expect It #2

A quick disclaimer, all the contents of this blog are my life observations and thoughts. Thus, I'm pointing no one in person or, I'm not criticizing anyone, it's just my point of view. Different readers may have different thoughts on some particular discussions and I completely respect that.

Have you ever really observed, people around just kind of judge you on your family background and to be more precise they judge you based on what your parents or guardians are like in behaviour, profession and other aspects. 

Now, everyone sees their life in different ways, so do I. Hence, I  expect people around me to respect that and ensure that, if they can't motivate, then they shouldn't even demotivate. 
I never understood why they expect to be good at maths or some sort if anyone of my parents is good at it. It's not necessary at all that, I find that interesting too and will master that. Like, there exists something like the personal choice of own. If someday I, go and say that, I want to go and serve as a public transport driver. I know, no one will ever accept that for just a simple reason that is, we already have a respectable position why you want to spoil it. Ironically, on the other hand, we are taught that we should respect all sort of profession and work that people do.  

We see people around us fighting and arguing to be very precise debating for, nepotism in politics, Bollywood and I don't know in a lot of other fields. Why don't people try to understand all of this starts from us, it's just that why we expect someone to be good at something when their family is good at some field of their interest. If I want to be good at something I need to take interest while pursuing that and interest is something that comes up from within, you cannot push that into someone.  

Coming to my story now, okay so this was a fun one and I will remember this for long.

When I used to live in Rajasthan, my parents used to take tuitions for long, like for 8-10 years. I always had this strict and study type vibes around me and hence I am expected to be supremely good at all the freaking subject and that's strange. So once, there was some guest at my place for dinner. So, very obvious they asked for my grades and stuff. I told all of that honestly they were like your parents teach tuition and all, you are supposed to be the topper, Honestly, I was like WHY I'M SUPPOSED TO TOP NOW in my head. She continued, you are gonna act as a medium of advertisement to your parent's tuition, cause if u score people will get to know that your parents teach well and so they will get more students. I'm still like baffled by such pointless and logicless statement. Now if some student is good at science and their parents don't even know that we will still go to them for tuitions. I still mock off this sort of jokes, cause keeping them in my mind is just like piling wastage and this will end up my mind becoming a dump yard. 

Now, who stands responsible for the teacher's son is a teacher and farmer's son is a farmer and so on? Think about it yourself !!!


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